So happy Stellan's heart is in normal rhythm-hoooray God is so good! He gave me this encouragement today and I shared it with Stellan's mama. Want to share it with you too!
Little One,
I am here. I know your needs and have called you to my side for this time. Do not fear, nor be dismayed-I am your God. I am God over all the universes, not just here. I am sovereign. I love you with an everlasting, undying, unending love. Come to me and believe in my words for you. I have called you. I have used you. I will relieve you for a time-be renewed, strengthened, be made whole in, my light. I will fill you with my Spirit when you seek me first with your whole heart today and always.
Love,Me (God)
(Okay I am not talking about aliens here... but remember the stars and all their glory-sermon from Life Church-got to email Pastor Tim about that guy's name-you will be in Awe!)
Great news!